Irma Wardani, Tria Rosana Dewi


Batik industry including creative industries from craft based on local wisdom that became one of the mainstay industry in Central Jawa. Kampung batik Laweyan is a UMKM spesialy of natural staining batik. The purpose of this research is to know the development of strategy that can be applied to the natural batik color UMKM to further improve product competitiveness. This research was conducted in Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta. The analysis method used in this research is SWOT analysis in the form of IE Matrix, SWOT Matrix and QSPM.The result of situation analysis: (1) Position of UMKM Batik Laweyan on cell I that grow and build; (2) the highest score of IFE on power factor is premium batik quality, the highest score on weakness is the old coloring technique and the color is not easily fused on certain type of fabric, while the highest score of EFE on the opportunity is market trend, while the highest score for the threat namely the upper middle market segment. While the priority strategy that can be applied is product development. the right ideas, the right products and the right target by way of product diversification (creating products other than batik cloth) with natural dyes, develop batik motif with design that is trend following the market taste, and innovate science and technology related to coloring techniques on natural color batik

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